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Fast-track your document recording process with ePrepare®, the leading electronic document recording (eRecording) solution on the market today.

eRecording solutions

Why CSC eRecording

Reduce cost

ePrepare reduces your costs related to labor, postage, courier services, and materials—and it eliminates fee payment errors that lead to overpayment and recording delays.

Save time

Easily comply with various jurisdiction requirements and prevent recording delays. CSC ePrepare shortens time between closing and recordation, eliminating errors that cause rejections, and improving document tracking for more efficiency.

Record securely

CSC's secure technology solutions are ISO 27001-certified and Service Organization Control (SOC)-audited, and we’re actively involved with key industry associations to ensure that our platform is compliant with World Wide Web Consortium and industry-specific standards set by organizations like PRIA, ALTA, MBA, MISMO, and ESRA.

Trusted partner

First to market with eRecording in the U.S, CSC is the partner of choice for submitters of real estate documents and government recording offices because our focus on service.


Subscribers can submit and record real estate documents with county recording offices throughout CSC's network, which provides comprehensive, reliable coverage in more than 3,600 jurisdictions nationwide.

Learn more about availability

Models of eRecording

Document submitters can electronically submit and record real estate documents at all levels of recording. CSC works directly with title production, loan origination and service, and default and foreclosure software vendors to create efficiencies and streamline internal workflows for submitters while automating many of their post-closing activities and recording fee reconciliation processes.

Level 1 eRecording was an original model for electronic document recording and is an electronic extension of the traditional paper-based recording process. The submitter scans and uploads the executed document, and then an electronic image is transmitted through CSC to the recording office.

Level 2 eRecording is today's most used model for electronic document recording. Like the Level 1 model, an executed image file is submitted, as well as a data file that includes additional indexing information necessary for recording (e.g., document type, party names, etc.). This additional data provides the recording jurisdiction with new efficiencies that can include faster processing times, automated data, and image importing to a searchable index.

Level 3 eRecording enables submitters—including banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions—to electronically prepare, execute, and submit documents to counties for recording with our paperless solution. Submitters can prepare digital lien release and assignment document templates, and use our digitized signing and notarization tools to execute the document before submission for recording. Once recorded, data and documents are transmitted back to the submitter's account via ePrepare. Level 3 eRecording provides submitters with a fully electronic process for document preparation, signing and notary acknowledgment, and recordation.

eRecording partners

CSC’s approach to eRecording ensures our clients have access to the best-available coverage with the fewest rejections. Our partnerships help document recorders and submitters meet industry best practices.

  • AIM+

  • Black Knight

  • CaseAware

  • CaseMax

  • Gators

  • GreenFolders

  • Impact

  • LandTech

  • Magram

  • NetDirector

  • RamQuest

  • Rekon

  • ResWare

  • SmartView

  • SnapClose

  • SoftPro

  • StarSuite

  • SureClose

  • TrackerPro

  • VisiRelease

  • American Land Title Association (ALTA)

  • Property Records Industry Association (PRIA)

  • Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)

  • Credit Union National Association (CUNA)

  • Electronic Signature & Records Association (ESRA)

  • International Association of Government Officials (iGO)

  • Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO)

  • October Research

  • Real Estate Financial Security Management Organization (REFSMO)

  • United Trustees Association (UTA)