UCC Search Services
Most accurate search results in the industry
To complete the most thorough due diligence and make an accurate lending decision, you need your Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) search results to include all liens and name variations. CSC's UCC search solution delivers faster and more complete results than any other UCC filing service provider—helping you avoid mistakes in filings and fines associated with missed lien information.
Financial institutions or corporations need an intuitive UCC search solution that allows them to easily find the information they need to know for secured transactions.
Before you extend credit, CSC Lien PerfectSM enables you to easily find:
UCC-1 financing statements
Good standing certificates
Articles of incorporation
Corporate name verifications
Federal tax lien searches
State tax lien searches
Judgment lien searches
Flood zone determinations
Keyword search logic tool—Find more records with name variations, misspellings, or incorrectly indexed names.
Recurring searches—Designate certain searches as a favorite group and set a timeframe for those searches to recur automatically. You'll save time by not having to key in each search entry—and we email the results straight to you.
Whether you're lending money against a property, determining what encumbrances already exist, or planning to foreclose, CSC will help you get the information you need to make an informed decision at a fraction of the cost of traditional providers.
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CSC Lien Perfect for Lenders
CSC Lien PerfectSM for Lenders was built from user feedback specifically for the financial services industry. Access more Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) search records—including tax lien searches and debtor searches—and reduce risk with built-in name validation against real-time jurisdiction data. Experience the future of lending and compliance with the latest technology and unparalleled customer support.
Learn more about entity CSC Lien PerfectResources
UCC Article 9 Search Basics for Lenders
UCC Article 9 Filing Basics for Financial Professionals
Navigating UCC Filing: The Essential Guide
A UCC search reveals any individuals or entities that have filed a claim against business property or other assets pledged on a loan. The search information includes debtor name and address, original date and number, filing state and date files, secured party’s name and address, and document number.
Many states allow you to search filings online. If you want copies of the documents, you must make an official request to the secretary of state’s office or local jurisdiction, depending on the state, and pay a fee. Another option is to use a third-party vendor. Your legal counsel or risk management department can help you determine which option works best for your needs.