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Spring into Service

Colleagues around the world are helping their communities

Jeff Lyons, CSC senior communications specialist

Spring is a time of new beginnings and an opportunity for the people of CSC to rededicate themselves to community service and the causes that matter most to them. Through volunteer activities, collection drives, fundraisers, and more, they’re giving back all over the world as part of CSC’s Spring into Service campaign.

The following are just a few stories showcasing how our people are giving back from our offices around the world. To learn more about how we give back all year long, visit our CSC Gives Back page.

SL24 Unlocke the Light Foundation | Delaware, U.S.

Members of the Marketing Team from CSC’s Wilmington, Delaware, headquarters partnered with the SL24 Unlocke the Light Foundation and volunteered at Sean’s House. The facility is a beacon of hope for those battling mental health challenges, particularly depression and suicidal ideation. Through education, advocacy, and support services, the foundation strives to destigmatize mental illness and provide essential resources for those in need.

The collaboration sparked a deeper commitment, prompting the Marketing Team to play integral roles at events like the SL24 Unlocke the Light basketball tournament. At the tournament, the volunteers managed the auction table and ensured VIP seating arrangements to help raise funds and awareness for the foundation's cause.

“This is such a meaningful organization and touches many of us,” says Amanda Farrell, a member of the Marketing Team. “We all know someone that has mental health struggles or sometimes we struggle ourselves. We wanted to be a part of that night to help raise money and awareness so that kids know that they’re not alone and there’s help available for them."

Fundación Juan | Madrid, Spain

About 30 colleagues from the Madrid office spent a lovely day outside creating small gardens on the grounds of Fundación Juan, an organization which helps foster social and labor inclusion for psychosocially vulnerable people.

“We believe in supporting and empowering people with disabilities, and our partnerships with organizations such as this one are an example of our commitment to diversity and inclusion,” says Gabriela Mederos Silva. The office assistant manager says the Madrid office has had a relationship with the organization since 2021 and will likely collaborate again soon.

“It was a very enriching experience where our volunteers collaborated with people with intellectual disabilities to create small gardens that would later be donated to various causes,” she says. “Not only did we support those in need, we enriched our employees by creating a culture of giving.”

OzHarvest | Sydney, Australia

It may be autumn Down Under, but colleagues from the Sydney office sprang into action as they partnered with OzHarvest, Australia’s leading food rescue organization which aims to reduce food waste and hunger.

Fifteen colleagues volunteered as part of the “yellow army” to cook and pack meals that were later delivered by OzHarvest drivers to local charities. “Being involved with OzHarvest and giving back to our community has been incredibly meaningful to us,” says Yan Li, operations manager, and organizer for this volunteering effort. “It's not just about providing food—it’s about making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need and contributing to the well-being of our community.”

“Knowing that our efforts have a direct impact on alleviating hunger and reducing food waste brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose unlike anything else,” Yan says. “It also fulfills our CSC value that we’re here to give back to community.” The effort was such a success that the Sydney team is planning to volunteer quarterly.

APIGA | Asia Pacific

Alban Kwan understands the importance of investing in the youth of today so that they can be the best leaders of tomorrow. The head of corporate development and strategic alliances, APAC, was invited to speak and train participants at a local Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) event in Taiwan in April. APIGA is a youth training program focused on internet-related topics.

“Youth are the source of the future. The more they understand the internet, the more they can help build a more vibrant Internet community,” Alban says. “I was delighted to see how much they enjoyed our session, proactively asking questions, and doing their own research during lunch breaks. I can see that some of these youth will remain in the industry after the training,” he says.

Alban’s time at APIGA went so well that he has plans to return as a speaker for the regional five-day APIGA event in South Korea. “I hope to foster long-term cooperation with APIGA as a regular trainer with the resources to help them on their career paths.”

Interested in joining a company that cares? CSC is committed to bettering the communities that have helped shape who we are as an organization. We support the causes that matter most to our people, and work together to help our people, partners, clients, and communities thrive.

Learn more about how we’re giving back all year long on our CSC Gives Back page.