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Career Confidential
Jan Allen

Jan Allen

CSC is very up on technology and keeping it running. They're teaching us what we need to know.

What’s your full title and how long have you been in this current position?

I’m a customer service associate with the Filing Self-Service Team in Springfield, Illinois, which I helped start. I've been here 22 years.

My team processes UCC filings, uniform commercial code documents, and we send them to all of the secretaries of state in the U.S. We’re an important part of keeping businesses in compliance and operating smoothly.

We also send paper filings, so anything that doesn't go through electronic filing, gets sent paper. We process the paper filings and checks are given along with the documents. And then we send all the secretary of state filings out and then process and send real estate filings to all the counties all over the U.S. Before joining CSC, I was working as an accredited legal secretary in 2003. There was an ad in the paper that caught my eye, so I applied for the job and got it. And I've been at CSC ever since.

What has your career growth looked like at CSC?

I started as an operations specialist, and I did that for two years. I was a customer service associate and was one of the six people that started the Iris Self-Service Search Team, and I stayed there for six years. Then I helped start the Iris Self-Service Filing Team, and I’ve been part of that team for the last 14 years.

What do you like most about the culture at CSC?

They really take care of us. In the time I’ve been here, they’ve replaced our workstations and put in new top-of-the line equipment. They’ve repainted and replaced furniture. It’s nice that even though there are so many offices, they make sure each one is up to the same CSC standard. It’s a very pleasing environment.

It’s also a very people- and community-first environment. We help the community with food drives, school supplies drives, and holiday drives. We hold raffles for prizes and teams will create a holiday basket and then you can bid on it and win it. We have food days where each of the teams brings something in and everyone shares. CSC really does take care of their people.

What gets you excited to come to work in the morning?

I like my job and I’m good at it. I enjoy my friends at work and my team. And there’s a lot of opportunity to work with other teams. If they need help on the completion team, I’m capable of doing that. And being here as long as I have, I still learn new things and there’s always something new.

Is there anything that you’re learning now that’s been important to your job?

They have a learning queue for us with different subjects. Every six months I try to learn something new. Since I’m in several different positions and learning all these things, I keep very detailed notes. We have a shared drive for procedures. I’ve written some of them because there weren’t any before. I’ve also taught people and trained them how to do my job.

What's the most interesting thing about the work you do?

You’re proactive for your clients. If someone has a continuation that needs to be filed, you have six months to file it. Sometimes they wait until there’s only two or three days before it expires. Solving that problem, getting a vendor, and getting it recorded before it lapses is a good feeling. You’re doing something for your clients that they definitely appreciate.

How’s the work life balance?

I work 8 to 5, Monday through Friday. I have my weekends and my evenings. If there’s something I have to do, I take a half a day, a whole day, two weeks, etc. If I have personal time off, then I can take it. And the leaders understand the balance between personal and professional.

How do you see the industry changing in the next five years?

Most states will use electronic documents instead of paper, but there’s always going to be something that won't go through. We’re moving to a new fulfillment system where we won't be running printouts; the computer will do it for us. When I first started here on the search team, we had one monitor and we had to print out all the documents, put them in order, scan them back in, and send them to the client. Today we have two large monitors and technology has come a long way. CSC is very up on technology and keeping it running. They're teaching us what we need to know. We’ve been in business for more than 100 years, I’m sure we’ll be in business for another 100 years.

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