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Career Confidential
Anthony Sims

Anthony Sims

My career growth was something I had to really drive myself. My former leader definitely gave me the keys to success, but it was up to me to drive it and figure out which direction I wanted to go in.

What’s your full title and how long have you been in your current position?

I’ve been a U.S. Service team leader for about two years.

Give us a little insight into your role and what you do.

I have the pleasure of leading one of our fulfilment teams in CSC’s Digital Brand Services division called the Generalist Team. Our daily tasks include—but are not limited to—managing domains for our clients via service request, executing brand launches for newly released products or intellectual properties, working with vendors and registries for countries all over the world, and closely collaborating with our internal teams to ensure we’re providing the best service for our clients.

Why did you choose to work for CSC?

I was working retail for a long time—years. I didn’t like the schedule and I wanted something more consistent. I hopped on Facebook and asked “Who’s hiring?” and it led me to CSC. I joined the team and loved the work and culture, so here I am six years later.

What other roles have you held at CSC?

Prior to becoming the leader of the Generalist Team, I was a member on the Generalist Team, so I’ve been on the same team from day one. Hopefully they’re not sick of me yet.

What has your career growth looked like at CSC? Did you make your own path or was it laid out clearly? Is there a particular person who has helped you? How have they helped?

My career growth was something I had to really drive myself. My former leader definitely gave me the keys to success, but it was up to me to drive it and figure out which direction I wanted to go in. I was really scared at first. Thinking about leadership, I had some real imposter syndrome. But my current leader, Jenny Dawson, has been behind me and probably believes in me more than I did myself at the start. Jenny has been with CSC for 20 years, so to know she actually noticed and endorsed me when I felt a lack of confidence was the boost I needed. I also was learning a lot from other teams.

My colleague’s Erin Cushing and Kelly Lavery were some of the first people I met when I first came on board, and they had transitioned to leaders prior to me. They gave me a lot of insight and courage. I worked closely with our TLD Support Team because I was, at one time, running our brand launches, so leaders from that team, Ewa Zane and Ryan Gibson, taught me so much about accountability, ownership, and “lessons not losses.” I also have to make sure I mention Susie Hudson who is just doing great things with the continuous leadership training.

Prior to applying to the leadership role, my team said that it “had” to be me, because no one else knows them, so it felt like the right next step to take.

What makes your team different?

We’re a very adaptable team. We’re good a filling in the cracks, learning new things, and shifting on a moment’s notice. I think we do that at such an amazingly high rate that sometimes it blows my mind. I compare us to a Swiss army knife—we have so many of the right people who aren’t just good at their jobs, but their values align with the team. They’re good at the things you can’t always teach.

Other than the people, what do you love most about the culture here?

I really enjoy the work-life balance and the flexibility. I also don’t feel micromanaged or pressured. I think my leader and the senior leaders see me as a person and not just another number, which is a marked change from working in retail.

What gets you excited to come to work in the morning?

It sounds crazy, but I work 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET—and every day I walk in, say hello to the “other Anthony” on my team, Tony Davis (who works the same shift), and chit chat before we both jump into our days. Just that small bit of human interaction level sets me for the day. I say to myself, “okay there’s bigger things in life happening outside these four walls, remember that.” Because sometimes it’s easy to get lost in work.

What’s the most interesting thing about working here and about the work you do?

Brand launches are definitely the most interesting thing I do at CSC. We get to see a lot of interesting things before they’re known to the public. It’s cool; I feel like someone who’s in the know before anybody else.

What are you learning now, and why is it important?

I’m currently enrolled in Leader Launch Pad training with some of the other leaders from my department. I think it’s good because I can lead effectively so my team succeeds and reaps the benefit of my continued education along with me.

Name something—big or small—that you’re really good at.

I think I’m good at establishing a connection with people. I’m a real personable guy; it goes a long way.

When you tell people about your job, what’s one thing that surprises them, or gets them excited about the work you do?

I think what surprises people most about my job is telling them that I work directly with people in other countries—specifically when I start explaining time zone differences and cultural differences, which is oddly enough one of my favorite things about working at CSC.

What’s the working environment like? How do teams work together?

We work very closely with our other internal teams. It’s like we’re two sides of the same coin—only this coin has multiple sides, so maybe a die. We use other teams to help us build relationships with registries while others use our team to execute requested orders. It’s a collaborative relationship, and everyone has to be open to feedback and suggestions—because there’s no one way to do something, and all the different perspectives help us think outside the box and best serve our clients.

What’s the work-life balance like? Do you feel supported in pursuing interests outside of work?

The work-life balance is great. My team knows about some of my other interests outside of work and they support me, as does my leader. I don’t feel bad for wanting to take a few days off here and there to focus on my other passions.

Do you have any interests outside of work that tie into your work at CSC or are there certain qualities that your work and outside interests share?

Some of the time management skills I’ve learned over the years have definitely helped me in my personal life, like prioritization, how to be a better leader, working with people and being aware of their perspectives—I can apply so much of it to my life.

What opportunities do you see developing in the industry in the next five years?

I think there will be more security-based opportunities in the industry in the next five years. With the advent of artificial intelligence, there will also be new risk we’ll have to combat, as well as new tools we’ll get to use. The world is constantly evolving, so we have to stay up-to-date and in-the-know.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to join CSC or your team?

My advice is that it takes time to figure everything out. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Just have patience with yourself and work hard to grasp everything you can and ask questions. It’s okay not to know everything, so be kind to yourself.

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